Overview - Repair Plans and Repair Phases

The Workflow - Repair Plans feature provides the ability for you to create and edit plans that reflect what needs to be done on a vehicle, (e.g., teardown, bodywork, mechanical, refinishing, and more). A Repair Plan includes one or more Repair Phases that represent the type of work to be performed on a vehicle.

Once you have defined a Repair Plan in your repair facility profile, you can assign and manage the Repair Plan from within a repair order, or through the Production Schedule. The Production Schedule provides the ability for you to create, edit, and change repair order Repair Plans.


Overview - Repair Management

See Also

Creating a Repair Plan Template

Adding a Calculated Repair Phase

Adding a Fixed Repair Phase

Editing a Repair Phase in a Predefined Repair Plan

Allowing Technicians to Mark a Repair Phase Complete

Screen Description

Repair Plans Screen







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